Annual Report 2023
2023 financial statements

Consolidated balance sheet

31 Dec 2023
31 Dec 2022
Cash and cash equivalents [16] 391,924 1,708,102
Receivables [17] 220,946 357,850
Derivative financial assets [31] 8,174 10,696
Financial assets [23] 3,135,165 2,855,744
Contract assets [19] 53,722 195,227
Prepaid expenses and accrued income [18] 65,516 157,729
Inventories [20] 36,549 992
Current assets 3,911,996 5,286,340
Property and equipment [21] 272,477 272,835
Intangible assets [22] 22,574 27,730
Derivative financial assets [31] 3,923 8,126
Financial assets [23] 1,205,726 1,180,680
Contract assets [19] 3,699 0
Prepaid expenses [18] 69,958 19,831
Non-current assets 1,578,357 1,509,202
Total assets 5,490,353 6,795,542
Liabilities and reserves
Payables [24] 81,802 653,434
Contract liabilities [26] 122,625 233,458
Accrued expenses and deferred income [25] 769,733 1,305,740
Derivative financial liabilities [31] 81,056 102,970
Lease liabilities [28] 9,236 10,063
Current liabilities 1,064,452 2,305,665
Contract liabilities [26] 340,294 31,677
Accrued expenses and deferred income [25] 225,543 238,272
Post-employment benefit obligation [32] 45,442 16,989
Provisions [27] 58,551 54,960
Derivative financial liabilities [31] 170 0
Lease liabilities [28] 191,209 176,720
Non-current liabilities 861,209 518,618
Total liabilities 1,925,661 2,824,283
Association capital [29] 4,104 4,104
Cash flow hedge reserves [31] 6,668 12,255
Foreign currency translation reserves 1,673 -445
Fair value reserves of financial assets at FVOCI -62,434 -82,504
Restricted reserves [29] 3,614,681 4,037,849
Total reserves 3,564,692 3,971,259
Total liabilities and reserves 5,490,353 6,795,542



The notes form an integral part of FIFA’s consolidated financial statements for 2023.

Consolidated cash flow statement

FIFA’s consolidated cash flow statements represents the cash inflows and outflows in 2023 and 2022.