Annual Report 2023
2023 financial statements

Consolidated cash flow statement

Net result for the year -390,538 2,367,883
Depreciation [21-22] 34,534 33,372
Net financial result [14] -222,589 -31,877
Other non-cash items -161 -25
Taxes and duties [15] 495 22,716
(Increase)/Decrease in receivables 147,566 39,949
(Increase)/Decrease in prepaid expenses and accrued income 53,112 202,557
(Increase)/Decrease in derivative financial assets and liabilities 3,419 61,182
(Increase)/Decrease in inventories -35,558 3,345
(Increase)/Decrease in contract assets 137,807 -106,504
Increase/(Decrease) in payables -574,514 550,531
Increase/(Decrease) in accrued expenses and deferred income -540,526 850,818
Increase/(Decrease) in contract liabilities 193,771 -2,410,682
Increase/(Decrease) in provisions -551 -120,196
Taxes and duties paid -16,464 -3,296
Net cash (used)/generated by operating activities -1,210,197 1,459,773
Purchase of property and equipment [21] -2,700 -3,692
Purchase of intangible assets [22] -1,665 -12,307
Investment in financial assets -10,052,093 -9,439,027
Repayments and sale of financial assets 9,862,528 8,847,149
Interest received 98,901 45,056
Net cash (used)/generated in investing activities -95,031 -562,821
Interest paid -5,258 -7,105
Repayment of lease liabilities -9,429 -9,858
Net cash (used)/generated in financing activities -14,687 -16,963
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,319,915 879,989
Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January [16] 1,708,102 832,089
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 3,737 -3,976
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -1,319,915 879,989
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December [16] 391,924 1,708,102



The notes form an integral part of FIFA’s consolidated financial statements for 2023.

Consolidated statement of changes in reserves

FIFA’s consolidated statement of changes in reserves represents a reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of FIFA’s reserves during 2023 and 2022.