Information technology | 28,019 | 18,503 |
Annual FIFA Congress and committees | 26,731 | 19,486 |
Communications | 14,495 | 16,889 |
Legal costs | 11,744 | 12,392 |
Buildings and maintenance | 5,609 | 6,079 |
Other (including consultancy, Executive Offices, ERP costs, insurance and auditors’ fees, VIK) | 32,298 | 31,620 |
Personnel expenses | 81,909 | 76,083 |
Depreciation of property and equipment | 3,237 | 5,185 |
Total FIFA Governance & Administration | 204,042 | 186,237 |
FIFA Governance & Administration comprises all costs related to the governance and administration of FIFA. FIFA’s focus is to continuously improve the efficiency of FIFA’s administration to ensure the most flexible and cost-optimised use of resources at the highest possible utilisation. Spending on IT infrastructure, IT security, products and related services is necessary to continue to operate efficiently and stay connected. FIFA has a comprehensive information technology environment that includes commonly known areas such as data management, cybersecurity risk, identity and access management, cloud, data centres and platforms and other software solutions. Examples of FIFA’s IT environment include the enterprise resource planning (ERP) tool to manage day-to-day operations, the Integrated Football and Event System (IFES) and the FIFA event platform to manage event management and planning, as well as identity and access management tools to control user access within FIFA. In 2023, the cost of IT infrastructure and operations amounted to USD 5.1 million (2022: USD 5.2 million), whereas digital product development, together with consultancy services, was USD 18.5 million (2022: USD 10.4 million), and IT and cyber security amounted to USD 4.4 million (2022: USD 2.9 million). In 2023, the 73rd FIFA Congress was held in Kigali, Rwanda, with representatives of 208 FIFA member associations attending. The related travel and accommodation expenses for the official delegates of these 208 member associations, the six confederations and other Congress guests (2023: USD 24.5 million; 2022: USD 16.8 million) as well as for the members of the FIFA Council (2023: USD 1.3 million; 2022: USD 1.8 million) are included in the Annual FIFA Congress and committees line item. Other costs related to meetings of the standing committees and of the Governance, Audit and Compliance Committee amounted to USD 0.9 million (2022: USD 0.9 million). Communications relate to content creation and distribution, building the primary source of information for football fans around the world and ensuring that all FIFA platforms and channels are engaging and updated with fresh and relevant data. Consequently, FIFA continued to invest to maintain and expand its communication channels to raise its profile and attract the attention of visitors, and thus promote football worldwide. In 2023, expenses under this line item represented editorial content production and sharing, totalling USD 6.9 million (2022: USD 9.7 million), communication services, public affairs and strategic planning amounted to USD 4.4 million (2022: USD 7.2 million), expenses related to ICT technologies amounted to USD 1.2 million (2022: USD 0 million) and general media expenses totalling USD 2 million (2022: USD 0 million). Legal costs cover various legal matters with respect to disputes and consultations in relation to the core business of FIFA as well as legal and governance costs related to investigations. For further details, please refer to Note 27 – Provisions and Note 33 – Contingent liabilities. In 2023, the total expenses for buildings and maintenance amounted to USD 5.6 million (2022: USD 6.1 million). These expenses consisted of maintenance and renovation costs for the Home of FIFA of USD 1.3 million (2022: USD 3.1 million) and for FIFA’s other properties and offices of USD 2.5 million (2022: USD 1.5 million). The remaining expenses mainly related to corporate security and supply chain logistics and totalled USD 1.8 million (2022: USD 1.5 million). The Other line item includes general expenses necessary for the administration of FIFA’s business and support of day-to-day operations. In 2023, these expenses consisted of consultancy costs of USD 7.4 million (2022: USD 8 million), Executive Offices expenses of USD 8.4 million (2022: USD 4.4 million), technical support costs of USD 1.9 million (2022: USD 3 million), insurance and auditors fees of USD 6.5 million (2022: USD 6.5 million), and value-in-kind expenses of USD 1.5 million (2022: USD 3.7 million), while other office administration activities, including translation and interpretation services, came to USD 6.6 million (2022: USD 5.9 million). FIFA Governance & Administration personnel expenses represent ancillary activities and are best defined as supporting processes. They include salaries, social security and other benefits for FIFA governance and administration staff and amounted to USD 81.9 million in 2023 (2022: USD 76.1 million). For further details, please refer to Note 32 – Personnel expenses.