
19. Contract assets

31 Dec 2023
31 Dec 2022
Contract assets 56,632 192,947
Contract acquisition costs 789 2,280
Total contract assets 57,421 195,227

Contract assets relate to FIFA’s past performance under a contract for which the customer has not yet paid consideration or before payment is due. They are transferred to receivables when the right to receive payment becomes unconditional. Contract assets are regularly reviewed for impairment indicators. Significant changes in contract asset balances during the period were as follows:

Contract assets as at 1 January 192,947 69,113
Transfers from contract assets recognised at the beginning of the period to receivables -192,947 -68,931
Increase as a result of changes in the measure of progress 56,560 192,944
Impairment (loss)/release 72 -179
Contract assets as at 31 December 56,632 192,947
Of which current 52,933 192,947
Of which non-current 3,699 0
Contract acquisition costs as at 1 January 2,280 19,610
Costs of obtaining contracts during the year 950 50,790
Amortisation recognised as cost of providing services during the year -2,441 -68,120
Contract cost assets as at 31 December 789 2,280

FIFA has recognised contract acquisition costs arising from the capitalisation of incremental agency fees. In 2023, these costs were incurred in order to obtain certain contracts with Commercial Affiliates. The contract acquisition costs are amortised in line with the pattern of when services are actually provided to the customers.

Aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to long-term contracts for the 2023-2026 cycle that are partially or fully unsatisfied as at 31 December 3,304,953 2,587,972
Of which
– Television broadcasting rights 1,732,000 1,913,278
– Marketing rights 1,446,245 602,104
– Licensing rights 126,708 72,590

The above table includes revenue expected to be recognised in FIFA’s 2023-2026 business cycle ending with the FIFA World Cup™ in 2026 and is related to performance obligations that were unsatisfied during the reporting period. Revenue from unsatisfied performance obligations at 31 December 2023, which is expected to be recognised in the cycle ending in 2030, amounted to USD 1,950 million (as at 31 December 2022: USD 1,174 million). Contracted revenue will be recognised in line with the transfer of control over services as described in Note E.


18. Prepaid expenses and accrued income

20. Inventories