How do we use your data?
It is everyone’s responsibility to play by the rules and ensure the beautiful game is a doping-free sport.
We use your data to help conduct in- and out-of-competition doping controls. In particular, we use the data you provide via the therapeutic use exemption (TUE) application form to assess compliance with the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions and the FIFA TUE Policy. Your data may also be used in cooperation with anti-doping organisations (ADOs) to conduct investigations into suspected anti-doping rule violations, in the event of an adverse or atypical finding based on your sample(s) or the athlete biological passport.
Where does your data come from?
Your data comes directly from you and your physician(s) via the TUE application form.
What data do we collect?
Date of birth
Contact details
Member association
Type(s) of football
Status (amateur/professional)
Medical diagnosis
Prescribed medication
Medical treatment relevant to your application
Supporting medical information and records
How long do we keep your data?
TUE certificates or rejection decisions are retained for ten years.
TUE application forms and supplementary medical information are retained for 12 months following the expiry of the TUE.
Incomplete TUE applications are retained for 12 months.
Who do we share your data with?
The FIFA TUE Advisory Group
ADOs with testing authority and/or results management authority over your
Authorised staff of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Members of the TUE committees of each relevant ADO and WADA
Other independent medical, scientific or legal experts, where necessary
What part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers this?
Article 6 paragraph 1 (a) GDPR (consent)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (b) GDPR (contract)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (c) GDPR (compliance with legal obligation)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (e) GDPR (public interest)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)