Here you can find a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the Football Agent Regulations. Watch this space: we will update it to reflect the questions we receive.

You can also download the full list of FAQs here:

FIFA Football Agent Regulations FAQs

  • Each Candidate must use their own personal computing device (e.g. laptop) and their own internet hotspot to complete the exam (no mobile phones allowed) in accordance with the Football Agent Exam Rules available on the Agent Platform. 

  • It will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions (single or several answers may be correct) with each correct answer worth 5% of the total mark. 

 A Candidate fails an exam if: 

If a Candidate fails an exam, they may retake it on the next available date. If they were deemed to have acted dishonestly when sitting the exam or scored a mark of 74% or lower, they may request within five days of the relevant notification written reasons for their failure or a review of their exam result, respectively.  

FIFA reserves the right to introduce a proctoring system to add credibility to the scoring of each Candidate, should it see fit to do so. 

For further information regarding the exam, Candidates should study and comply with the exam rules that will be made available on the Agent Platform. A pilot/demonstration of the exam will be made available on the Agent Platform.

  • reporting any identified issues or concerns in relation to the Candidates and the exam to FIFA via the Agent Platform; and 

  • (optional) providing a stable wireless internet connection to Candidates voiding Candidates’ requirement to provide a personal hotspot and specifying that on the Agent Platform. 

Please note that Candidates wishing to take the exam will be free to choose a testing venue from a number of locations worldwide.

If they fail to comply with these requirements, their licence will automatically be provisionally suspended.

  • CPD credits are only awarded to the football agent if they complete the course and successfully pass an assessment at the end of each course (with a score of at least 80%). 

  • CPD credits will be awarded and re-awarded by FIFA every October. 

Last updated: Friday, 8 September 2023 at 17:00